Saturday, September 8, 2012

Drunk Sarah is Drunk

My text exchange with Miss C last night (I went out drinking with friends - two bands we like were at my favorite bar ON THE SAME NIGHT).

First, a back story:

A few weeks ago when Miss C was in town we went to this same bar, and dressed up for a "Ladies' Night". I do this from time to time...get all dressed up to go out drinking and regret it as soon as we walk in and everyone is in jeans and t-shirts. Anyway - we did it. And then we got DRUNK. Miss C had just moved back from Vegas, and lost a lot of things along the way. So the heels she was wearing were too big. Well, on our way....down? Up? I don't recall - we were on the stairs - she tripped over her shoes, flipped around so she was going down the stairs head-first, on her back, and her skirt came up over her head. Ah - we were going down. She told me later all she could think about was the fact that her skirt was pulled up. "My panties!!!!" omg - I still roll when I think about it. It was sooo funny! And terrible. I'm glad she wasn't hurt, and that no one else was on the stairs. Well, there was a dude, but he totally booked it when he saw her fall. What a douche.

Alright, now fast forward to present day. Well, closer to present. It was Friday night. I sent her this text:

"My panties!!!"
I was sober then. It was three more hours before Drunk Sarah arrived. But I wanted to tell you the embarrassing to Miss C back story, so I did. :P

Around 1:00am, this happened (after I had had two Long Island Iced Teas and was on Drink #3):

"Strawberry vodka and Sprite tastes ldke zandy from my childhood. I don't know what that means."
Miss C:
"Lol!!!! Sounds...delicious?"
"Maybe. I'm also drunk."
Miss C:
"Lol really? Who knew ;)"
Me (30 minutes later):
"You ever pee so good you got goose bumps?"
Miss C:
Me (this morning):
"Liquor poos are the worst."

So....yeah. I mean, relatively calm for Drunk Sarah. But I wanted to share. SHARING IS CARING.

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