Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Final Rental House Party

Mr. T and I had our final movie night/house party this past weekend. Miss C came up with her dog Sadie and we had...probably 20 people?...in our tiny house. THINGS WILL BE SO MUCH NICER IN THE BIG HOUSE. Of course, all the beer/soda spillage will have to stop. Peeps be getting murdered if it doesn't. *glaring at the world* This was seriously the messiest party we've ever had here. I think it's because we also grilled out, so there were lots of plates.

We also watched The Chronicles of Riddick. Well, most of us saw parts of it. After almost everyone had cleared out, Mr T, Miss C, Roommate, Repeat, KayKay, and I went to a freshman house party Mr. T's friend was hosting. The kid's cool, but so young! We were afraid if the cops showed up we'd get ticketed for enabling a minor, or whatever it's called. But then we realized the minors were giving us the alcohol! What is that?? Eh, either way it was super packed with children so we didn't stay long.

While we were there, however, Miss C tried to start a couple fights. First she got in the middle of a beer pong argument about whose turn it was. Actually, I think she just tried to start an argument. I'm pretty sure they weren't actually arguing. Well we dragged her outside and she proceeded to shut the door that said "Don't shut this f*cking door!" Well this faaaaaat fat chick got supa pissed about it. Luckily she didn't know Miss C was the one that had actually done it. But Miss C wanted to let her know. Oh goodness, did she. I kept trying to distract her. Meanwhile, Repeat was all "Don't sweat it - just go through the window!" (Fatty could NOT have fit through that window, fyi.) He walks over to open the window and BAM! it falls out of its frame. Thank GOODNESS it didn't break! Now back to Miss C - she's still all pissy and staggery and I'm trying to hold on to her belt loop to keep her away from Miss Fatty when she trips over a ladder. Almost busts her face. It was hilarious. But then we decided it was time to go. And quickly.

KayKay was obsessing over going swimming, so we broke into an apartment complex's pool that's near our house. Well, we didn't "break in" as much as just walk in - it wasn't locked. There were two dudes sitting in the lounge chairs talking, so that was a bit awkward. Well, it wouldn't have been if we had suits. But we just swam in our underdrawers (oh lawd!). It was a lot of fun. I probably would've never done it if alcohol hadn't been involved....but I'm glad we did it. 8D

Then we all came back to our place and passed right the f out. It was a good night. And Mr. T and I went to church the next morning. It's no wonder we don't fit in at our small group...


  1. We need to create a small group for Christian partiers who have tattoos. I feel like the odd woman out in mine too.
